A bunch of white stuff on a black background.A white object sitting on top of a black surface.A pair of scissors sitting on top of a black background.
A blue piece of fabric with a yellow button on it.


Josh Shepherd

Josh started teaching himself basic woodworking about eight years ago, eventually making furniture for his new house. With a resume that had nothing to do with woodworking and a handful of photos of some of the things he made for himself and friends, he was able to get a job as a custom fabricator for trade shows, special events and custom exhibits.

He has been working full time in that field for approximately 6 years. Josh teaches private in-person classes customized to the individual. He has also trained many co-workers on safety and basic woodworking and fabrication techniques and concepts. Josh joined CrafterClub to share his knowledge and experience with as many people as possible. He believes the skills being taught at CrafterClub are essential and need to be encouraged and passed down to future generations.

Josh lives in York, Pennsylvania and in his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends, gardening, camping, reading, and learning.

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A pile of popcorn next to a piece of paper.A pair of ear buds sitting on top of a black surface.A couple of blue balls sitting on top of a table.
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A spool of thread and a spool of thread.A peeled banana on a black background.A bunch of white stuff on a black background.A pair of scissors connected to a cord.A couple of white balls sitting on top of a table.Two golden apples sitting on top of a red plate.A ball of wool and a pair of silver rings.A yellow and white button on a black background.

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A piece of wood next to some food on a black surface.A pair of scissors cutting a pair of pearls.A pair of ear plugs with a cord attached to them.A pair of scissors and a sewing needle.Two spools of thread and a spool of thread.